September Content Suggestions
1. Kansas City/ Missouri Work Smart
The American Association of University Women (AAUW), the Women’s Foundation, and Kansas City’s Mayor Sly James launched the first phase of an initiative to empower 1 million women to successfully negotiate salary and benefits and close the gender pay gap in both Kansas and Missouri. The initiative will begin in Kansas City, where the overall gender pay ratio for the Kansas City metro area is 78 percent (a 22 percent gap).
2. Apply for AAUW’s Fellowships and Grants Today!
Fellowship and grant recipients perform research in a wide range of disciplines and work to improve their schools and communities. Their intellect, dedication, imagination, and effort promise to forge new paths in scholarship, improve the quality of life for all, and tackle the educational and social barriers facing women worldwide. AAUW seeks a diverse applicant pool.
Read More (NOTE: The 2018 application period closes between November 1 and December 1 this year dependent upon program. Be sure to check each individual fellowship or grant program for complete availability and deadline information.)
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Image Text & Alt-text: 2018-19 AAUW Career Development Grantee Krystal Wright
3. Career Development Grants
Career Development Grants provide funding to women who hold a bachelor’s degree and are preparing to advance or change careers or reenter the workforce. Primary consideration is given to women of color and women pursuing their first advanced degree or credentials in nontraditional fields.
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Image Text & Alt-text: Business-Women
4. Strategic Plan
The AAUW Strategic Plan is created through an inclusive process involving the AAUW Board of Directors and staff. The goals, indicators of success, and strategies reflect an integrated approach to fulfilling our mission, vision, and value promise. As AAUW continues to move forward in a changing world, so have our Strategic Plan and our Vision Statement.
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July Content Suggestions
1. Congratulations to AAUW’s 2018-19 Fellowship and Grants Awardees!
The 2018–19 award year kicked off with the release of our updated online Fellowships and Grants directory in which you can find out more about the remarkable women and organizations from your area! To learn more about AAUW’s fellowships and grants programs and past awardees, visit our fellowships and grants web page and read our Following the Fellows blog series.
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Image Caption & Alt-Text: 2018-2019 AAUW Fellows Grantees Collage
2. Supreme Court Review Call
Join us on July 26 we review several of the significant decisions reached by the Supreme Court of the United States during the October 2017 term. Ebonee Avery-Washington, LAF program manager, will host the conference call and Deborah J. Vagins, AAUW’s senior vice president of public policy and research, will share her analysis of cases that impact our most fundamental rights.
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Image Caption & ALT-text: Supreme Court Statue via Flickr Davis Staedtler
3. AAUW Issues: Federal Judicial Nominations
AAUW’s Public Policy Priorities supports “a fair, balanced, and independent judiciary” to ensure constitutional protection for the civil rights of all individuals. Federal courts up to and including the Supreme Court are often also the last, best hope for women who have experienced discrimination in education, employment, health care, and other aspects of their lives.
Image Link:;
Image Caption & Alt-Text: Statue of Lady Justice in the Romerplatz of Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany.
4. Know Your Rights: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
The #CivilRightsAct recently turned 54, but gender and race discrimination in the workplace remain a serious problem. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion.
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Image Caption & Alt-Text: The definition of discrimination. Title VII
5. 9 Things We Learned about Leadership at NCCWSL.
At the 2018 National Conference for College Women Student Leaders, nearly 800 students from around the world gathered to build community and sharpen their leadership skills. Here are some of our favorite moments that had us clapping, snapping, and thinking hard about the future.
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Image Caption & Alt-Text: NCCWSL 2018 Students With Props
6. Women’s Student Debt Crisis in the United States
This report reveals that women also take on larger student loans than do men. And because of the gender pay gap, they have less disposable income with which to repay their loans after graduation, requiring more time to pay back their student debt than do men. As a result, women hold nearly two-thirds of the outstanding student debt in the United States — almost $900 billion as of mid-2018.
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Image Caption & Alt-Text: Deeper In Debt Figure 4
7. 46 Years of Title IX: Fight for Equity in Education Rages On
Women and girls still do not have equal educational experiences or opportunities. In 1972, AAUW was at the forefront of advocating for the passage of Title IX, and we continue to fight to realize the full intent of the law, to ensure all students receive an education free from sex discrimination at every level of education across the land. In a year where there have been rollbacks to the enforcement of the law, we need to push even harder to ensure it is protected and vigorously carried out.
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Image Caption & Alt- Text: Love Title IX
June Content Suggestions
1. 2018 AAUW National Bylaws Amendment Vote Results
Thank you for participating in the 2018 AAUW National Bylaws Amendment vote. We had a great turnout this year with over 17 percent of eligible members participating in the vote, more than three times the 5 percent required by our bylaws. Thank you for making your voice matter on these important issues.
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Image Caption & Alt Text: AAUW members vote for critical changes to the bylaws. Cast your ballot now in the 2018 AAUW national bylaws amendment vote.
2. Know Your Rights: The Equal Pay Act
Despite the passage of the EPA 55 years ago, women still do not take home wages equal to those of their male peers. If you’re concerned that you may be a victim of sex-based pay discrimination, or if you just want to know more about how the EPA works, this resource covers the basic information to get you started.
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Image Caption & ALT-text: AAUW members Minnie Miles (front row, fourth from right) and Reps. Edith Green (left of president, in white suit), Martha Griffiths (second from right), and Julia Hansen (far right) with President John F. Kennedy as he signs the Equal Pay Act into law on June 10, 1963. CREDIT: Abbie Rowe, White House Photographs. Courtesy of John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston
3. Take the Pledge to Protect Title IX
June 23rd marks the 46th anniversary of Title IX. Help fight back against attacks on the Title IX by pledging to take part in AAUW’s upcoming campaign to protect Title IX.
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Image Caption & ALT-text: Fillable “I Live Title IX Because” signs at an event for Senator Harry Reid
4. Still Separate, Still Unequal: The Role of Black Women and Girls in the Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education
More than sixty years after Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, in which the Supreme Court ruled that state laws segregating schools were unconstitutional, schools are more segregated than they were in 1968 (approximately 75 percent of black students attend racially segregated schools), and black girls have suffered greatly as a result.
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Image Caption & ALT-text: Washington, D.C. Reading lesson in a Negro elementary school. Public Domain. Library of Congress.
5. Broken Ladders: Barriers to Women’s Representation in Non-Profit Leadership
Women’s equity in the workplace has been a focus of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) since our founding in 1881. And while great strides have been made, women are still largely excluded from the most powerful corporate positions in our economy. For Instance, the Fortune 500 list of the largest American corporations recently reached a historic high representation of women CEOs at just 6.4 percent, or about 1 in 15. Women in these companies fill only about one in five senior management positions.
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Image ALT-text and Caption: Gender Equity in CEO Representation, by Organization budget
May Content Suggestions
1. 2018 AAUW National Bylaws Amendment Vote
The AAUW National Board of Directors has voted to put three proposals for bylaws amendments before the membership for a vote this spring. In the voter guide you’ll read about proposed bylaws amendments that the AAUW Board of Directors strongly supports. We believe that passing these measures will help keep AAUW vital as an organization and enable us to increase our impact in advancing equity for all women and girls
Read More
Voter’s Guide
Bylaws Vote FAQ
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Image Caption & Alt Text: AAUW members vote for critical changes to the bylaws. Cast your ballot now in the 2018 AAUW national bylaws amendment vote.
2. Bylaws Amendment Vote Message from AAUW Board Chair Julia Brown and CEO Kimberly Churches
The AAUW National Board of Directors has voted to put three proposals for bylaws amendments before the membership for a vote this spring. AAUW Board Chair, Julia Brown, J.D., and Chief Executive Officer Kimberly Churches discuss their support of these proposals.
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3. State of the States: A Globally Competitive Workforce Starts with an Equitable Workplace
Every year, at the start of their respective legislative sessions, governors across the country deliver their assessments of the condition of their states. They offer esteem for outstanding achievements among their citizens or groundbreaking triumphs within their legislature, each one assuring that their state is progressing in a positive direction. In addition to recounting the successes of the previous year, the addresses offer an opportunity for governors to speak on any legislative concerns and present a strategic plan to support statewide improvements in these policy areas.
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Image Caption & Alt Text: Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds speaks with Iowa Public Radio’s Morning Edition host Clay Masters about her transition to be the next governor. 5/2/2017 Photo by John Pemble
Many of you have spoken and we’ve listened to your requests to make your sites more legible and web accessible. The font size on Site Resources sites has been an issue for some time. As a solution, we will be updating the default style sheet and enlarging the standard font sizes on our sites at the end of May. This could affect your sites in a number of ways.
HTML headline code (<H1> through <H6>) should be used specifically for headlines on a page, and are not intended to make text larger or bold. Headline code helps define the structure of a page, highlighting the most important content with a <H1> heading and so forth. Search engines use header code to determine page structure for search engine optimization (SEO). If you have created a page uses headline sizes to format content, this will change the display of your page. This could also rearrange any graphics displayed and the alignment of other elements. We strongly suggest all headings be tagged written in either H2, H3 or H4 with the body of your content tagged in paragraph font size. Note, page titles on Site Resources websites are <H1> by default so you should begin with heading <H2> to show diminishing importance.
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margin-top: 10px;
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- Before Font Size Increase
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In order to avoid any issues, please take a look at your sites and see if you’re using the appropriate HTML tags on your content.
If you have any questions or concerns or require assistance updating your websites, please reach out to me at
Additional changes will be headed your way this summer so stay tuned…
April 2018 Content Suggestions
1. The Gender Pay Gap by State
Every U.S. state has a gender pay gap, and some are wider than others. See how your state’s gender pay gap stacks up.Share this information with state and federal legislators as a call to action for stronger laws and use it to educate folks in your community about the gender pay gap.
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Image Caption and ALT Text: EPD state map shareable.
Interactive infographic: To embed on your own websites, visit and click the share button for appropriate code.
State Resources: A state press release, a graphic for embedding on your site and sharing on social media, and a road map to equal pay legislation in your state are available at
2. It’s Negotiable: Salary Skill Builder
The gender pay gap is real and has far-reaching consequences for women’s economic security. Get the pay you deserve. AAUW’s new online, interactive will help you articulate your value in your next negotiation.
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Image Caption and ALT text: AAUW salary skills builder interactive tool. Click to start a short online lesson.
Read More
3. How to make the wage gap an injustice of the past
Lawmakers, employers and workers all have a role in the fight for fair pay. And there are tangible, practical solutions all can take to achieve pay equity.
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Image Caption and ALT text: Kimberly Chuches, AAUW Chief Executive Officer
4. How to Celebrate Equal Pay Day
Equal Pay Day is the symbolic day when women’s earnings “catch up” to men’s earnings from the previous year. It’s also a powerful occasion to raise awareness about and organize action around the gender pay gap in your community.
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Image Caption and ALT Text: AAUW Equal Pay Action Ideas
5. Take Action to Close the Gender Pay Gap on Equal Pay Day
Tuesday, April 10, marks Equal Pay Day, the symbolic day when women’s earnings “catch up” to men’s earnings from the previous year. The typical woman working full time, year-round in the United States is paid just 80 cents for every dollar a man is paid, which means she has to work until April 10, 2018, to be paid as much as the typical man took home by December 31, 2017. Sound fair to you?
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Image Caption and ALT text: AAUW staff and interns rally on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC for equal pay on Equal Pay Day (2017).
December 2017 Content Suggestions
1. States Notch Multiple Equal Pay Victories in 2017
Voters are fed up with the persistent gender pay gap, and many state legislators are listening. In 2015 and 2016 dozens of legislatures proposed and enacted bills and laws addressing pay inequality. In 2017 a whopping 42 states, plus Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., offered legislative solutions to the gender pay gap. While not all of these bills passed, this growing activity shows that red, blue, and purple states realize that the pay gap is real and that something needs to be done about it.
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Image caption and ALT text: AAUW staff and interns rally on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. on Equal Pay Day 2017.
2. Gender & Racial Pay Gaps for 25 Major U.S. Cities
(note: content including shareables and an embeddable interactive map will be published on Monday, December 11. Stay tuned to the AAUW news feed or Facebook feed for the release of this data. We will specifically work with branches in the 25 cities analyzed to add the map and related content to your websites.)
The gender pay gap is a real and consistent problem, which is all too apparent when we examine the data on the earnings of men and women. No matter how you break down the numbers—by state, by age, by education, or by occupation—the gap is substantial. And cities are not immune to this problem, as our new analysis shows.
AAUW has analyzed the pay gap faced by women of different races and ethnicities in 25 of the largest U.S. metropolitan areas. The analysis revealed that there is a substantial gender pay gap in all 25 cities, with even larger gaps for black and Hispanic women.
3. AAUW Annual Art Contest
(note: related 2018 webpages to be updated on Friday, December 15)
Showcase your talent by entering this exciting annual art competition. The six winning entries will be featured in a collection of note cards mailed to AAUW members in the spring.
Find out more about this year’s art contest.
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Image caption and ALT text: 2017 contest winner “Sunny Days and Garden Maze” by Carol Dingman.
4. You’re Going to Be Hearing about These Fearless Campus Leaders
Every year AAUW selects 10 college student leaders committed to gender equity to serve on the national Student Advisory Council (SAC). This year’s SAC members are LGBT rights leaders, engineers, student government presidents, first-generation college students, and more.
These students advise AAUW on the needs of college students, take on campus activism projects and community outreach to AAUW student organizations, and gain valuable résumé-building experience. Participants also serve as peer mentors for other aspiring student leaders during AAUW’s annual National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL).
Who are these remarkable feminist student leaders? This year’s SAC members are LGBT rights leaders, engineers, student government presidents, first-generation college students, and more.
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Image caption and ALT text: Members of the 2017-18 AAUW National Student Advisory Council (SAC)
5. Upcoming AAUW National Events
Skill-Training Webinars for Members
Skill-training webinars are an easy way to learn strategies and techniques that can help your branch grow and give leaders the confidence they need to take on new challenges.
Join us on January 9 for a discussion on how to raise funds from businesses and individuals in your community for Fundraising from Other Pockets and on February 13, learn how to welcome and engage a diverse membership with the Inclusion and Equity Committee.
Register for one training or more
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Image caption and ALT text: Members of the 2017-18 AAUW National Student Advisory Council (SAC)
Membership Collaborative Briefing: Dues Increase
The AAUW Board of Directors voted to raise national dues to $59 beginning July 1, 2018. State presidents, membership vice presidents, and finance officers are invited to join this webinar to learn about the timeline for implementing changes, the resources available to help you communicate the value of belonging to local members, and the effects of the dues increase on membership campaigns. Register today (state leaders only)
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Image caption and ALT text: AAUW members chatting during a workshop at the 2017 Convention
Tip of the Month: Fundraising Policies- What AAUW Members Need to Know
Thanks to the generosity of AAUW members and supporters we were able to surpass our goal of raising $13,600 in honor of AAUW’s 136th birthday on Giving Tuesday (November 28). Many of those donations were made via Facebook fundraisers set up by members like you.
With the end of calendar year quickly approaching, Facebook fundraisers and social giving are a fun and easy way to raise funds and to move AAUW’s mission forward.
Learn more and remember a few fundraising policies that all AAUW members need to know.
AAUW Fundraising Policy 501 (previously 402) is designed to assist AAUW state organizations, branches, and other AAUW-affiliated entities with raising funds to support AAUW’s mission. Fundraising procedures, Internal Revenue Service regulations, and state laws change over time. The following information about Fundraising Policy 501 will help AAUW fundraising leaders and all AAUW-affiliated entities stay up-to-date and preserve their nonprofit status.
AAUW Fundraising Policy 501 was approved by the AAUW Board of Directors and took effect on July 1, 2014. Written by the AAUW Fundraising Committee with consultation from AAUW staff, the policy explains what AAUW and the IRS expect of AAUW members when fundraising in AAUW’s name. This version includes guidelines that clarify and provide examples about particular aspects of AAUW Fundraising Policy 501 in plain, easy-to-understand language.
AAUW-Affiliated Entities Scholarship Fundraising Policy 503
The AAUW-Affiliated Entities Scholarship Fundraising Policy 503 was approved by the AAUW Board of Directors and took effect on July 1, 2014. Written by the AAUW Fundraising Committee with consultation from AAUW staff and legal counsel, the policy explains what AAUW and the IRS expect of AAUW members when fundraising for and administering local scholarship programs.